Wanna Share?

Wanna Share?

Here are a few ways you can help keep this site evolving
Here are a few ways you can help keep this site evolving
Share a Bill story
There are a number of ways to share a Bill story.
Write it and/or record it.
Color and off-color versions welcome.
Write down an anecdote, a story, a joke--anything Bill-centric. Then email it directly, or via the Contact page. Don't worry about word count.
Listen to this
Record your audio story via your computer, smartphone, cassette, reel-to-reel, copper wire etc. You can also use the video tool for this.
Watch this
Share your photos and videos
Send any relevant "archival" pics/vids. Feel free to add commentary to anything you send.
Make suggestions!
Our aim is to make this website relevant for as many folks as possible. Don't be shy with any ideas that may assist us in reaching that goal.
Share a Bill story
There are a number of ways to share a Bill story.
Write it and/or record it.
Color and off-color versions welcome.
Write down an anecdote, a story, a joke--anything Bill-centric. Then email it directly, or via the Contact page. Don't worry about word count.
Watch this
Share your photos and videos
Send any relevant "archival" pics/vids. Feel free to add commentary to anything you send.
Make suggestions!
Our aim is to make this website relevant for as many folks as possible. Don't be shy with any ideas that may assist us in reaching that goal.